Meet the brains behind the GIROUX brand: founder and CEO Eric Giroux talks actuarial ivory towers and how to empower the workforce into better decision making through insightful analytics in this Q&A by Insurtech.
Eric shares how GIROUX came about, his calling of solving problems through data and the 9 years of hard work which has gone in to form the successful international company that it is today.
“ has learned over the years that insights arenever produced using a ‘cookie cutter’ or templated approach but insteadthrough truly understanding and applying its data architecture to the context of the user.” - Eric Giroux, Founder and CEO
You can read the full Q&A here
And that’s not all… we are very pleased to announce that GIROUX has made it onto the Insurtech 100 list which recognises the world’s most innovative companies that are breaking ground in insurance technology.
Find out more about the GIROUX platform and how you can attract more capacity, save time and drive profitable growth.